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Discovery Interview FAQs

What is the Family Room?

The Family Room is an application-based tool to help family members participate in the care of their hospitalized relatives. 

Why are we interviewing you for The Family Room Customer Discovery?

Gathering individual perspectives helps us shape the Family Room to better meet user and customer needs and expectations. That is why we are reaching out to request your participation in a brief customer discovery interview. 

The purpose of this interview is to have an open and candid conversation with you about your experiences with hospital-based family engagement. We are interested in learning about what works, what needs improvement, and any suggestions. Your insights matter, as you’ve been identified as a valuable contributor to our project’s success, whether as a family member, patient, healthcare provider, leader, influencer of patient experiences, or a technology expert. Your feedback will play a crucial role in guiding our future decisions and delivering an enhanced customer experience.

Are there any risks or benefits to being interviewed?

We do not anticipate any risks in participating in this interview process. While you may not receive any direct benefits,  the information we learn during the course of these interviews will help us develop an application that will be useful to patients, families, clinicians, and hospital systems. 

We do ask that you give us permission to record the interview so that we can accurately capture and reference our conversation. The recording will be stored in a program called Notably and will only be accessible to members of our project team. Your participation as well as your permission to record is entirely voluntary. 

How do I schedule an interview?

You will be able to schedule your interview using a link to our online calendar. Once you schedule your interview, the project team will follow up with a confirmation email. You will be able to adjust the day and time of the interview if needed. 

What will happen during the interview?

We’ll conduct semi-structured interviews lasting 30-60 minutes. We want to have an open conversation to understand your experiences and preferences related to family engagement in the hospital. We will ask you some prompting questions, but feel free to share anything with us that you think is relevant. At the end of the interview, we will ask you if you would like to be contacted in the future about The Family Room application. 

What will happen after the interview? 

If you agreed to be contacted in the future, we will reach out to you when the Family Room application has been updated following Customer Discovery interviews. We will be looking for people to test the new and improved application! If you chose not to be contacted in the future, we will not reach out to you for further follow-up. 

What if I have more questions?

Please reach out to or Greg Nelson at if you have additional questions prior to self-scheduling.

Discovery Interview FAQs